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Showing posts with the label movie ranking

Top 5 Websites for Movies - You must know if you are a movie lover

IMDb   IMDb is also known as the Internet movie database. This website contains information and statistics about movies, Tv shows, and video games. You can also find information about actors, directors, and other professionals in the film industry. This is a free service. If you are a movie lover you must know this website, also this will give you great help in deciding what will be your next movie to watch.  Netflix - Watch TV Shows Online, Watch Movies Online This is a website you need to refer to after using because this is a streaming service. This is not a free service, you have to pay monthly to use Netflix services. Netflix has a large number of movies, Tv shows, and every streaming stuff you can imagine. They will customize your homepage as your preferences link youtube feed. If you are a movie lover, this will be an unforgettable website for you.  Fandango: Movie Tickets & Movie Times This is basically a ticketing website and they also own a streamin...